This is an assortment of cupcakes I made for someone to sample. They are, starting on the top, Vanilla w/Vanilla Pastry Cream Filling and Strawberry Frosting, Chocolate Chip w/Vanilla Frosting and Chocolate Chips, Vanilla w/Chocolate Frosting and Chocolate Sprinkles, Lemon w/Lemon Cream Cheese Frosing and Coconut, Vanilla w/Vanilla Frosting and White Sprinkles. On the bottom are Chocolate w/Vanilla Frosting and Dusted w/Cocoa, Chocolate w/Chocolate Frosting and Grated White Chocolate, Vanilla and Chocolate w/Vanilla and Chocolate Frosting, and Chocolate w/Vanilla Buttercream Filling, Chocolate Frosting and Chocolate Sprinkles.