Monday, November 22, 2010

Smith Wedding

Here are photos from the wedding I did yesterday. There were 9 different kinds of cupcakes: Red Velvet, Banana Split, Pumpkin Pecan, Hostess Look-a-Like, S'mores, Vanilla/White Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Turtle. It was a lot of work, but I had fun making them all.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall, Halloween, and Mice Cupcakes

I haven't blogged in two months, but I've been baking cupcakes! Here are the photos of what I've been up to. The cupcakes are chocolate w/vanilla or chocolate swiss merignue buttercream frosting, and pumpkin w/cinnamon cream cheese frosting. The mice cupcakes were for a 1st grade class for rodent appreciation week. I've never heard of rodent appreciation week before and I can't exactly say that I do :). They were fun to make though. I'm doing cupcakes for my first wedding in two weeks so I'm excited to do that and I'll post photos of it as soon as I can. Lizzy :)